Welcome to the Computational Psychology Lab!
The mission of our lab is to advance scientific research in psychology, management, and education, by embracing cutting-edge quantitative methods and computational models -- including machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
Currently, our Lab is currently conducting research around three themes: 1) Social Network Analysis, 2) Applied Psychometrics & Technology, and 3) Text Mining & Big Data Analytics.

Social Network Analysis
Human beings are relational in nature, yet how the relatedness impacts us psychologically and behaviorally is little known. With social network analysis, we strive to understand the network contagion effects in psychology, management, and education.
Applied Psychometrics & Technology
We seek to advancing psychological assessments and tests by using eye-tracking techniques and machine learning computational models. We study the measurement of personality, emotional intelligence, general mental ability, autism, etc.
Text Mining & Big Data
We conduct text mining analyses for a wide variety of text data, including Twitter data, online reviews, corporate statements, etc. Recently, we texted analyze billions of Tweets to understand the temporal dynamics of job stress nationwide, and also analyzed hundreds of corporates statements on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).